Why Do Couples Struggle the Most with Young Children? Practical Tools for Strengthening Your Relationship

Why Do Couples Struggle the Most with Young Children? Practical Tools for Strengthening Your RelationshipBy: Dr Ashleigh Moreland Published on: 08/08/2024

Parenting young children is often described as one of the most challenging phases of a relationship. It’s a time [usually] filled with joy and love but also one that brings immense pressure.

Mind-Body WellnessPractical ToolsPersonal DevelopmentEmotional IntelligenceMental HealthParentingRelationshipsCommunicationMarriageCouplesChildhood TraumaHealingOvercoming Dysfunctional BehavioursTrauma Therapy
Why Do Couples Struggle the Most with Young Children? Practical Tools for Strengthening Your Relationship

The Suffocating Sensation of 'I Have No Choice'

The Suffocating Sensation of 'I Have No Choice'By: Dr Ashleigh Moreland Published on: 26/06/2024

The belief that we have no choice is often rooted in fear and a lack of awareness. It’s a mindset that can paralyse us, making it difficult to see the options available. This feeling is common in various aspects of life, from relationships and careers to personal growth and daily responsibilities.

Mind-Body WellnessLeadershipParentingRelationshipsCommunicationMarriageCouplesOvercoming Dysfunctional Behaviours
The Suffocating Sensation of 'I Have No Choice'

The Unhealthiest Things We've Done for Love: Shining a Light on Dysfunctional Patterns and Embracing Authenticity

By: Published on: 12/06/2024

Dysfunctional love often manifests in ways that seem self-sacrificial or considerate but are, in fact, detrimental to our well-being. The root of these behaviours can often be traced back to nervous system dysregulation and trauma responses, which compel us to act out of fear rather than love.

Mind-Body WellnessPractical ToolsPersonal DevelopmentMental HealthSelf-ImprovementRelationshipsCommunicationMarriageCouplesHealingOvercoming Dysfunctional Behaviours
The Unhealthiest Things We've Done for Love: Shining a Light on Dysfunctional Patterns and Embracing Authenticity