man that keeps on going

How to Stay Committed to Your Purpose When You Want to Quit

July 04, 20248 min read

“Without light, there's no shadow. Shadow work is the process of bringing the light of love and truth to our darkness {pain, deceptions, trauma}, and transcending it.” - Dr. Ash Moreland

Anyone pursuing their life's purpose [especially the entrepreneurs among us, most commonly neurospicy]!! knows that there are times when the path becomes overwhelmingly challenging. Moments of exhaustion, doubt, and uncertainty can cloud your vision, making it difficult to stay committed. Recently, David and I recorded a raw and real podcast episode [watch here or listen here] as we were both in the depths of our own “hard season"—being challenged on our path to purpose! This blog post delves into these experiences, offering practical advice and relatable scenarios to help you stay the course, even when you feel like quitting.

Feeling Exhausted? You're Not Alone

Imagine that you've been working tirelessly on a project that you're passionate about. You've poured your heart and soul into it, but now, you're feeling utterly exhausted. No amount of sleep seems to help, and you're beginning to wonder if it's all worth it. I definitely recall this during my PhD - and I never met anyone studying a PhD who never hit this point at some stage. There’s an element of hitting a wall and needing to really dig deep to work out if you’re REALLY committed. This kind of deep fatigue is something many of us face when we're fully committed to our purpose. It's not just physical tiredness; it's a spiritual and emotional drain.

Practical Advice:

Take a Break: Sometimes, the best thing you can do is step away for a moment. A short break can help you recharge and gain a new perspective. For me, even one night completely disconnected from life, people, and technology, give me a swag in the bush, throw in a fire and a creek with running water and my soul [and sanity] will be renewed in no time!!

Self-Care: Prioritise activities that rejuvenate your spirit. Whether it's spending time in nature, meditating, or enjoying a hobby, self-care is crucial. Under self-care, I always mention the importance of self-awareness and setting boundaries, too! Check out this free resource for more on that.

Seek Support: Talk to a friend or mentor who understands your journey. Sharing your struggles can lighten the load and provide much-needed encouragement. You might even like to join the Heart Centred Healing Hub and get some support there!

The Battle Between Heart and Head

You're faced with a decision: do you follow your passion or take the practical route? Your heart is pulling you towards what you love, but your head is worried about the bills and responsibilities. This tension between heart and head is a common dilemma for anyone pursuing a purpose-driven life.

I was in this position just a few years ago. I had been an academic for 12 years; I studied for 10 years to reach the point I had. At one stage of my life, THAT was my passion. However, I evolved… Eventually, my passions changed and my soul yearned for change. I was feeling called to step into coaching and therapy full time, but I had a stable job with plenty of opportunity for promotion, a great six-figure salary, 17.5% superannuation, 2 pay rises every year… My head [and almost everyone else who weighed in on my life!] said I should definitely take the “responsible” route. My spirit screamed very loudly to leave, though! This was terrifying, but here I am a few years on with a global company, team in multiple continents, and clients having LIFE CHANGING transformations and evolutions, and none of that would have been possible if I had have chosen the safe, responsible option. It’s not always smooth sailing, and it regularly tests me, stretches me and challenges me, but gosh what we do is so, SO fulfilling and impactful. I do have some nuggets of gold to share with you, though -

Practical Advice:

Find a Balance: It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Find ways to incorporate your passion into your daily life while maintaining your responsibilities. For example, I started seeing clients and building my business after hours once my kids went to bed while still working full time. Eventually, I turned things up by working full time on my business while using my annual leave and long service leave. This pay created a bridge that allowed me to transition out of my stable job, into something that was relatively established and already generating revenue.

Set Clear goals. Define what success looks like for you. Having a clear vision can help bridge the gap between heart and head. For me, I knew where I wanted to be at in terms of revenue generation and lead generation before committing to ending my academic career. I also invested HEAVILY into coaching, which was an enormous leap of faith that my husband fully supported me with to follow my calling.

Small Steps: Take small, consistent steps towards your passion. Over time, these small actions will lead to significant progress. Don’t underestimate 1 hour a night… it all adds up. Living your purpose is a marathon, not a sprint!

Dealing with Doubt

Doubt is a natural part of any journey, especially when pursuing something meaningful. You might question if you're on the right path or if you're good enough. These doubts can be paralysing, making you second-guess every decision. Something I always keep in mind is that God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. This has been such a blessing for me because whenever I have doubt about whether I can do something, or if I’m good enough, I know that I’ll get the opportunities needed to equip myself to be ready. This requires ACTION, but it’s worth it.

Practical Advice:

Challenge Your Doubts: Doubts often stem from fear. Challenge these thoughts by reminding yourself of your strengths and past achievements. Look back at how far you’ve come!

Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your belief in yourself and your purpose. Don’t just say the words; actually, close your eyes and FEEL those words in your body.

Stay Connected: Surround yourself with a supportive community that believes in your vision and encourages you during moments of doubt. We have communities that will absolutely have your back, every step of the way!!

The Importance of Spiritual Practice

Spiritual practice is about more than just meditation or prayer. It's about tuning into your inner self and trusting the journey, even when the physical evidence isn't visible yet. It’s the daily walk… it’s trusting that every step you take is going to be met with solid ground, and everything is going to be okay.

Relatable Scenario:

Think of a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them daily. Despite not seeing immediate growth, they trust that the seeds will eventually bloom.

Practical Advice:

Daily Rituals: Incorporate daily practices that keep you connected to your purpose, such as journaling, meditation/visualisation, or gratitude exercises.

Trust the Process: Have faith in the journey. Just because you can't see the results yet doesn't mean progress isn't being made.

Seek Guidance: When feeling lost, seek spiritual or inner guidance. This could be through meditation, prayer, or speaking with a spiritual mentor.

Finding True Support

In times of struggle, the right support can make all the difference. Not everyone will understand your journey, and that's okay. Find those who resonate with your spirit and can offer genuine support. We deep dive into this connection with self and to fulfilling your authentic purpose in Rise and Thrive—it’s absolutely life changing for our participants! It’s deep work and entry is by application only. If you want to apply, you can do so here.

Practical Advice:

Identify Supportive Individuals: Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. These are the ones who will stand by you, even when the going gets tough. Having people who believe in your purpose and see your potential is ESSENTIAL to moving towards it.

Open Communication: Be honest about your needs and struggles. True supporters will listen without judgement and offer constructive help.

Build a Network: Join communities or groups with like-minded individuals who share your passions and challenges.

Embracing the Messiness of Healing

The journey to staying committed to your purpose is rarely smooth. It's messy, filled with highs and lows, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Embrace the process, knowing that each challenge brings you closer to your true self.

Practical Advice:

Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey and not a reflection of your worth.

Learn from Challenges: Every obstacle is an opportunity for growth. Reflect on what each experience teaches you and how it shapes your journey.

Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrating progress keeps you motivated and focused on your purpose.


Staying committed to your purpose when you want to quit is a testament to your resilience and dedication. It's about finding balance, trusting the process, and seeking support. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Embrace the messiness, cherish the growth, and keep moving forward. Your purpose is worth every challenge and every moment of doubt.

Keep walking your path with heart AND spirit. You've got this. At least… I keep telling myself this ;-) it’s working so far!

Join the conversation in our Heart-Centred Healing Hub Facebook group, where we share resources, support each other, and continue this journey together. If you ARE at 8, 9 or 10 out of 10 and feel that squeeze to keep going and need that push, now is your time! We’ve got you! Consider applying for an upcoming round of Rise and Thrive here.

For more insights and support, subscribe to the Remind Podcast and stay connected with our community. We’re here to help you navigate your journey with compassion and empowerment.

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Watch Episode 65 of the Re-MIND Podcast here:

ep 65 Re-MIND Podcast Trauma Therapy

Dr Ashleigh Moreland is a passionate advocate for personal and professional development, dedicated to helping individuals achieve holistic well-being. With a background in neuroscience and holistic health, Ashleigh combines scientific insights with spiritual practices to guide others in balancing logic and intuition. As the founder of Re-MIND Institute, Ashleigh has empowered countless people to transform their lives through mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. When not writing or coaching, Ashleigh enjoys spending time with her family, connecting with friends, and being active.

Dr Ashleigh Moreland

Dr Ashleigh Moreland is a passionate advocate for personal and professional development, dedicated to helping individuals achieve holistic well-being. With a background in neuroscience and holistic health, Ashleigh combines scientific insights with spiritual practices to guide others in balancing logic and intuition. As the founder of Re-MIND Institute, Ashleigh has empowered countless people to transform their lives through mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. When not writing or coaching, Ashleigh enjoys spending time with her family, connecting with friends, and being active.

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